Sunday, September 13, 2009

Life Happens

I know there are no excuses for not having work in on time. I am going to send this out anyway because life just happens. For one to have a successful on line experience they need to have two very important things, a strong fast internet connection (dial up can work but who has days to do that) and a working computer. At the beginning of last week I had two computers. One was my wife's brand new netbook (very cool by the way) and my two year old macbook. The second day of the netbooks life, it decided it was not for this world! Would not work and needed to be returned to the manufacture, which only takes a decade or so to get another one back! No problem, I can start on my blog and have it done by Monday! Except my children tried to float the macbook down a river of chocolate milk! AHHHHHHH!!! No computer at home. None of the neighbors have anything that resembles a current version of a computer. (No wonder they are always at our house using ours)! :-) The school district just now decides to block blogger from their servers so my work computer is not an option!

Anyway, last night our netbook (I am so sorry, I mean my wife's netbook) finally came in with nothing that resembles a working program (all trial versions) so I took the better part of the night setting up adobe, flash, updating, avg, etc and etc. That is what you get with a pc. Not working out of the box! That is okay because I am ready to cruise now! I hope, unless life happens again.

To make a long story even longer, I will be posting later today for all the work that is behind schedule even if I don't get a grade for it. Quiters never win! Good news! I also insured the macbook. I would like to ask for advice out there in our cyber community whether I should look at a macbook 13 inch or a pc 13-15 inch? Just curious at what you may think is the better choice!


  1. Michael:
    You posted this entry on the same day that entry #1 was due, and I waited until today (9/17) hoping you would post your blog entry #1 so I could read it and issue some points...but, alas, no entry forthcoming, so no points, sorry. Please try to do some blogging as your writing is interesting.

    Sorry about all the computer problems. Hopefully you read over one of the very first files posted on the Content page links entitled "Laughter is the Best Medicine" as it might bring a smile to your face.

    PS: I am from New Orleans and have a lot of relatives there. Katrina was bad news!

  2. You posted your two intro blog entries, but did not post the required entry for blog #1.

    Also, blog entry #2 was due 9/20 and that one was not posted either. If I have missed it some way, pleae redirect so I can find the entries. Thanks.
